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BBAU Entrance Exam Syllabus 2025 BBAU Entrance Exam Pattern


BBAU Entrance Exam Syllabus 2025 BBAU Entrance Exam Pattern 2025 BBAU Subject Wise Exam Syllabus 2025-21 Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University Admission Test Syllabus 2025 BBAU Admission Exam Pattern 2025 BBAU 2025-21 Syllabus of Online Entrance Exam

BBAU Entrance Exam Syllabus & Pattern 2025

BBAU Entrance Exam Syllabus

About Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar University

Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University was established in Lucknow in 1996 as Central University (By an Act of Parliament 1994) with the objects of promoting advance knowledge by instructional and research facilities in science, key and frontier areas of technology and other allied disciplines. This University is the Post-Graduate and research University & main objective of this University is to promote professional studies, Inter-disciplinary studies, research and development activities. Each department is also offering Ph.D. Programme. The students are admitted through All India Entrance Test conducted at different centres purely on the basis of merit subject to the reservation policy of the University. In addition to above departments, we have proposed to develop some more new Post-Graduate departments during XI plan which not only have employment potential but also relevant for the socio-economic development of the country.

About BBAU Entrance Exam

Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (BBAU) Conducts Entrance Examination For Its Various Under Graduate And Post Graduate Courses. Every Year Lots Of Students Apply To Get Admission In The University. There Are A Number Of Under Graduate And Post Graduate Courses And Also Some Ph.D And Diploma Courses. The University has reserved 50% of seats for SC/ST candidates in all the teaching programmes including research programmes.

About BBAU Exam Pattern

  • The Question Paper of Entrance Test will consist of Objective Type (Multiple Choice) Questions.
  • The Exam Pattern is Different For Under Graduate And Post Graduate Courses. The Exam Will Taken On OMR Sheets.
  • The Timing And Schedule Of The Examination Is Not Declared Yet. Please Wait As Soon As University Declares it, We Instantly Upload It On Our Website. There Are Also Separate Timing For The Entrance Examination.
  • There shall be negative marking for each incorrect answer. For each incorrect answer,(-1/3) marks will be deducted.
  • In case of equal marks in the Entrance Test, the order of merit shall be decided on the basis of marks in the qualifying examination.
  • For Admission to Ph.D. programmes, Entrance Test shall be qualifying with qualifying marksas 50% (5% relaxation shall be given to SC/ ST/ OBC/ PH category students as per M. Phil/Ph.D regulation amended in 2018). The syllabus of the Entrance Test shall consist of 50% of research methodology and 50% shall be subject specific. (As per Ph.D. Regulation 2016).

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About BBAU Exam Syllabus

Syllabus For BBAU Entrance Exam

The syllabus for the entrance test would be in consonance to what has been prescribed by the UGC/ ICAR/ CSIR/ ICMR/ DBT/ GPAT/ GATE such central body for the National Eligibility Test in the subject concerned.

Political Science
Applied Animal Science
Environmental Microbiology
Environmental Science
Computer Science
Information Technology
Home Science
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacology)
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmaceutics)
Library & Information Science

Syllabus For Entrance Test

The BBAU Entrance Exam Syllabus would be in consonance to what has been prescribed by theUGC/ ICAR/ CSIR/ ICMR/ DBT/ GPAT/ GATE such central body for the National Eligibility Test in the subject concerned.

Journalism & Mass Communication
Library and Information Science

List Of PG/UG/Diploma/Certificate Programs 2025

M.A.(Economics) Basic Economics, Basic Statistics, Indian Economic Problems, Logical Aptitude, Mathematical Aptitude, General Studies. Basic Economics and Statistics. Thrust on Quantitative Economics.

M.A.(History) Questions related to the subject will broadly cover Ancient , Medieval , Modern and Contemporary History. Emphasis will be on the study of the economic, social and cultural changes in the Indian society. In addition there will be questions of general interest.
Syllabus has two parts –
1. Subject Area (70 questions carrying total 70 marks): Ancient, Medieval and Modern Indian History.
2. General issues of contemporary relevance (30 marks): Pertaining to the social economic, political and cultural scenario.

M.A. (Political Science)

Syllabus is divided into two parts –
1. Subject Areas (70 questions carrying total 70 marks): The test would cover largely the B.A Pass and B.A (Hons.) Political Science syllabus.

The focus will be on the following areas—

a. Western Political Philosophy: Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, J.S. Mill, Karl Marx

b. Modern Indian Political Thought: Gandhi and Ambedkar.

c. Political theory: Concepts of liberty, equality, justice, sovereignty, citizenship, stated. International Relations: Cold War politics, NAM, SAARC, UNO, India’s foreign policy particularly with China, Pakistan and USA.

d. Indian Government and Politics: Making of the Constituent Assembly, parliament, cabinet, prime minister, president, state government, federalism, political parties (national and regional), elections, local government.

2. General issues of contemporary relevance (30 marks): Pertaining to political, social, economic and cultural scenario.

M.A. (Public Administration)

1.General Knowledge (50 marks)

2. Constitution of India, Indian Administration, Local self Government in India, Indian Government and politics, Contemporary issues in Indian administration (50 marks).

M.A.(Sociology) – Basic concepts: Status and role, Norms and values, Social group and types, Community, Socialization, Social stratification and mobility, Social change. Classical Sociological Thinkers: Comte, Durkheim Weber, Marx. Sociological Theories: Functionalism, Conflict theory and Interactionist theory, Social Institutions: Marriage, family and kinship, Education, Economy, Polity andReligion. Social Structure in India: Rural, Urban and Tribal, social structure and change, Caste, class, power and gender, Social Processes: Sanskrtisation, Westernisation, Modernisation and Secularisation Social Problems and Social Movements in India, Nationalism, Post-Modernism and Globalisation, Research Methodology.

M.A.(Education) – Numerical Ability; Mental Ability; G.K. & General Studies; English.

M.A. (Journalism and Mass Communication) – Current affairs, Sports, Films & festivals, Corporate world, Indian Economy, Inter-state relationship, Election and democracy, Law & Order, Local Self Government, Language, Translation and grammar.

M.A.(Hindi) – Complete Hindi Literature (Graduation Level).

M.Sc.(Zoology) – Zoology/ Life Science B.Sc. Level.

PG Diploma in Hindi Journalism – Basic Knowledge Of Hindi Language And Journalism (Graduation Level).

M.Sc. (Ag.) Horticulture – Part A: General Agriculture, viz., Agronomy, Agricultural economics, Agricultural entomology, Agricultural extension and education, Agricultural engineering, Animal Husbandry and Dairy science, Agroforestry, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Plant Pathology and Plant Physiology.
Part B: Consisting all branches of Horticulture and giving equal importance to Fruit Science (Pomology), Vegetable Science (Oleri culture), Floriculture and landscaping, Post Harvest Handling, Processing and Marketing of Horticultural crops including Medicinal and Aromatic plants, spices, condiments and plantation crops.

M.Sc. (Biotechnology) – Basic knowledge of the following subject at graduation level: Chemistry, Botany, Zoology along with allied subjects like Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, with special emphasis on Neuro Science, Molecular Biology, recombinant DNA technology, Immunology.

M.Sc. (Brain & Cognition Sciences) – Basic knowledge of the following subject at graduation level: Chemistry, Botany, Zoology along with allied subjects like Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, with special emphasis in Neuroscience Molecular Biology, recombinant DNA technology, Immunology and Biophysical techniques. The knowledge in Physics and computers at 10+2 level.

M.Sc. (Forensic Science & Criminology) – Basic knowledge of the subject required are Molecular Biology, Human genetics and Cy to genetics, General Science, Criminology, Criminal law, Finger Print Science, Biological Science, Chemical Science, Anthropology.

M. Pharm. (Pharmacology) – Syllabus as per GPAT. General understanding of subjects taught at B. Pharm level. Syllabus: Natural Products, Pharmacology, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Clinical Pharmacy. Some questions of General Awareness.

M. Pharm. (Pharmaceutics) – Syllabus as per GPAT. General understanding of subjects taught at B. Pharm level.Syllabus: Natural Products, Pharmacology, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Clinical Pharmacy. Some questions of General Awareness.

M.Sc. (Environmental Microbiology) – Graduate Level knowledge of Life Science/Biology and Chemistry in general, including emphasis on Global and Indian Environmental problems/issues.

M.Sc. (Food Microbiology and Toxicology) – Graduate Level knowledge of Microbiology, Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Life Sciences/Biology in general, including emphasis on the role of microbes in dealing with Food Microbiology.

M.Sc. (Industrial Microbiology) Graduate level knowledge of Microbiology, Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Industrial Microbiology, Life Sciences/Biology in general, including emphasis on the role of microbes in dealing with Industrial problem/issues.

M. Sc.(Nuclear Medicine Technology) – General scientific awareness and scientific aptitude (50 questions) Atom, nucleus, atomic model, valency, periodic table, states of matter, boiling point, evaporation, freezing, materials, ores, alloy, chemical reactions, acid, base. Biodiversity, evolution of life on earth, food chains, vitamins, water cycle, human body, hormones.Dimension and units, Newton’s laws of motion, gravitation, current scientific and technological events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience, light and related events. Reasoning on number system, mean, mode, median, relationship concepts, fundamental arithmetical operations, percentage, ratio and proportion, averages, interest, profit and loss, graphs, time and distance. Origin of the earth, universe and our galaxy, constitution of atmosphere, planet, satellite, Indian satellite program, ocean, solar energy, environmental problems of India and world, pollution and its kind. Knowledge about various scientific organizations and funding agencies.

Physics (50 questions), Radioactivity, Isotopes and nuclides, Binding forces between nuclear particles, Alpha and Beta particles, Gamma radiation, Mechanisms of radioactive decay, Half life, Nuclear reactions and their conservation laws, Cross section of nuclear reactions, Theory of fission, Nuclear reactors and Nuclear fusion, Cyclotron and Synchrotron, Interaction of charged particles and gamma rays with matter (qualitative), GM counter, Scintillation counter and neutron detectors.Electric field, Gauss and Coulomb’s law, Magentic field, Amperes’s law, Biot-Savert law, Faradey law, Lenz’s law, Electromagnetic wave and its properties, Electromagnetic spectrum. Semiconductor – p-type and n-type materials, pn junction, diodes, transistors, FET, Biasing of diode and transistor.Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, Wave-particle duality, de Broglie matter waves, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle, Complementary principle, Principle of superposition, Motion of wave packets. Schroedinger wave equation, Interpretation of wave function , Expectation values of dynamical variables.

M.Sc.(Environmental Science) – Required knowledge of Chemistry, Life Science/Biology in general, including emphasis on Global and Indian Environmental problems/issues.

M.Sc. (Human Development and Family Studies) – Graduate Level Knowledge of all branches of Home Science (Food & Nutrition / Family Resource Management / Clothing & Textiles / Human Development & Family Studies / Extension Education /).

M.Sc. (Food Science and Technology) – Graduate level Knowledge of Foods & Nutrition / Home Science / Biological Sciences / Food Science & Technology.

MCA – Unit:1 Mathematics: Solution of Linear and Quadratic Equations, Convergence and Divergence of Series, Functions, Limit and Continuity, Differential and Integral Calculus, Matrix Algebra.

MCA (Evening) – Unit – II : Computer Fundamentals: Computer Basic, Data Representations, Binary Arithmetic, I/O Units, Computer Memory, Processor, Logic Circuits, Computer Languages Evaluation, Computer Generations and Classifications, Computer Network, Network Topologies.

Unit – III : Programming in ‘C’: Constants, Variables and Data types, Operators and Expressions, I/O Operators, Decision making, Branching, Looping, Arrays, Character Strings, Functions, Unions, Pointers and File Management.

M.Sc.(Information Technology) – PartI : Algebra: Complex Numbers, algebra of complex numbers, geometrical representation; real and imaginary parts; modulus and argument of a complex number; conjugate of a complex number, triangle inequality; cube roots of unity. Theory of quadratic equation, relationship between their roots and coefficients; quadratic expressions; linear and quadratic equation in one variable. Arithmetic, geometric and harmonic progression; mathematical induction and its application. Permutations and combinations; Binomial theorem for a positive integral index. Trigonometry: Trigonometric Functions and their graphs, addition and subtraction formulas; formulae involving multiple and submultiples angles; inverse trigonometric functions; solution of trigonometric equation; relations between the sides and angles of a triangle; solution of triangle, simple applications in finding height and distances. Co-Ordinate Geometry: Rectangular Cartesian coordinate; distance between two points; area of triangle; locus; equation of a straight line in various forms; angle between two given lines; condition for two line to be parallel or perpendicular, distance of a point form a line; equation of a circle in various form, intersection of a circle with a straight line; equation of a tangent and normal to a circle through the points of intersection of two circles or a circle and a straight line; parametric representation of a circle. Calculus: Function, into, into and one-to-one function, sums, difference, products and quotients of two functions, composite functions, inverse of a function, constant, absolute value, greatest integer, polynomial, rational, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, experimental and logarithmic function, even and odd function, sets,functionsandrelations. Limit and continuity of a function, limit and continuity of the sum, difference, continuity of composite functions, Derivation of a function at a point, derivation of the sum, difference, product and quotient of two functions, derivative of composite and implicit functions, derivatives of polynomial, rational, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric exponential & logarithmic function. Geometrical interpretation of derivatives, tangents and normal. Sign of derivatives and monotonic, maximum and minimum value of a function. Integration as a inverse process of differentiation. Vector: Addition of Vector, multiplication by scalar, scalar product, cross product, scalar triple product Probability: Probability, addition, and multiplication laws conditional prob.

Part-II :Basic Physics, units and dimensions, SI units, displacement, velocity, acceleration, kinematics in one and two dimension with constant acceleration, projectile, circular motion, concept of relative motion. Elements of Kinetic theory of gases, presser and temperature of an ideal gas. Coulombs law, electric field and electric potential, lines of force, capacitance, electric current, ohm’s law, series and parallel arrangements of resistance and cells, Kirchaff’s laws and application to network. Radioactivity, law of radioactivity decay, constant, half life and mean life.

Part-III :Basic understanding of computers, Information and communication technologies and applications, Current developments in IT, programming languages.

M.Sc.(Information Security) – Digital signature & data Representation, Computer Organization & Architecture, Programming in C and C++, Operating system, Data Structure, Database Management Systems, Computer Networks, Information System and Software Engineering.

M. Sc. (Mathematics) – Mathematics syllabus as prescribed by UGC, New Delhi for B.Sc. course in various Universities/colleges.

M.Sc.(Chemistry) – General understanding of the different disciplines (organic, inorganic, physical and analytical) of chemistry/applied chemistry taught at the three-year B.Sc. programs of the Indian Universities.

M. Sc. (Physics) – Note: The entrance examination paper shall consist of 100 objective type questions. The candidate shall be required to attempt all the questions. The syllabus for entrance exam along with distribution of questions is as follows:
MECHANICS & WAVE PHENOMENA Multiplication and differentiation of vectors, gradient, divergence and curl of a vector, Gauss and Stoke’s theorems, Centre of mass, Work and energy, Conservative and non Conservative forces. Law of conservation of energy, Motion in central field, Two particle central force problem and reduced mass, Compound pendulum, Linear and angular momenta, Torque and angular momentum. Moment of inertia. Calculation of M.I. of some simple objects, Flywheel. Elastic constants, Torsion of cylinder, Bending beam, Cantilevers, Viscosity, Poiseuille’s formula, Stoke’s law. S.H.M., Differential equation of wave motion, Lissajous figures, Damped and forced oscillations. Fourier analysis.
OPTICS Fermat’s principle, Cardinal points, Aberrations, Eyepieces. Interference, Fresnel’s biprism, Interference in thin film, Newton’s rings, Michelson Interferometer. Diffractions, Simple theory of Fresnel diffraction with applications. Fraunhoffer diffraction- single slit, double slit, plan diffraction grating. Resolution, Rayleigh criteria, Resolving power of prism, Grating and telescope. Polarisation, Maluslaw ,Brewester’s law, Double refraction, Nicol prism, Production and detection of plane, Circular and elliptically polarised light. Optical rotation.
THERMODYNAMICS Kinetic theory of gases, Maxwell’s distribution law, Specific heat, Mean free path, Vander-waal’s equation, Critical constants, Ist law of thermodynamics, Isothermal and adiabatic processes, Reversible and irreversible processes, Carnot’s engine and Carnot’s theorem, Absolute scale of temperature, Second law of thermodynamics, Identity of perfect gas scale and absolute scale, Entropy, Clausius-Clayperon’s heat equation, Joule-Thomson effect, Maxwell’s thermodynamical relations, Conductivity, Radiation, Kirchhoff’s law, Stefan-Boltzmann law, Energy distribution in the spectrum of black body.
ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Gauss theorem and its applications, Electric field and electric potential, Electric polarisation of matter, Polarisation and displacement vectors, Dielectrics, Kirchhoff’s laws and their applications, Biot-Savart law and its applications, Electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s law, Ballistic galvanometer, Growth and decay of currents, A.C. circuits, Transformer, Network theorems and A.C. bridges, Magnetic permeability and susceptibility, Dia, para and ferromagnetism, Measurement of susceptibility, Hysteresis loop.
QUANTUM MECHANICS Black body radiation, Planck’s theory, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, Frank-Hertz experiment, Uncertainty principle, Wave particle duality, deBroglie theory, Davission-Germer experiment, Schroedinger equation with application to simple potential problems.
ATOMIC PHYSICS Bohr, Sommerfield and vector atom model, Electron spin, Pauliexclusion principle, Normal Zeeman effect, Stern-Garlach experiment, Various coupling schemes.
PERIODIC SOLIDS Space lattice, Unit cell, Miller indices, sc,bcc and fce lattices, Cscl and Nacl structure, Bragg’s law, X-ray diffraction.
RELATIVITY Special theory of relativity, Galilion invariance, Michelson- Morley experiment, Lorentz transformation, Relativistic addition of velocities, Mass variation with velocity, Mass energy equivalence.
ELECTRONICS Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, PN junction, Half wave and full wave rectification, Filter circuits, Zener diode, Voltage stabilization, Bipolar Junction Transistor, Transistor biasing, Transistor configurations: CE,CB and CC transistor amplifiers.

M.Sc.(Statistics) – The Syllabus for the entrance test would be in consonance to what has been prescribed by the UGC/ICAR/CSIR/ICMR/DBT/GPAT/GATE such central body for the National Eligibility Test in the subject concerned.

Master of Library & Information Science (M. Lib. I. Sc.) –  Library organization and services, foundations of library and Information Science, knowledge organization (classification, cataloguing, etc.), Information processing and retrieval Information Technology basics, Information sources and services, management of library and Information centers, Information retrieval, Library automation and Digital Libraries.

M. Tech. (Software Engineering) – GATE (Computer Science and Information Technology) Syllabus.

LL.M.(Law) – Constitutional law, Criminal law, Law of Contract, Law of Torts, Jurisprudence, International law, Arbitration, Family laws and Environmental law.

One Year LL.M – Entrance test shall be in two parts as per UGC Guidelines: 1) Assessment/ Counselling for 30%. 2) Written test: the questions shall pertain to testing aptitude for teaching/research, legal reasoning and comprehension, basic legal knowledge on these subject: Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, International Law, Company Law, Criminal Law, Human Rights and Family Law. The test shall be 70%.

MBA (Rural Management) (Marketing Management) (Human Resource Management) (Finance Management) –  As Per UGC Regulations

B.A. (Hons.)Public Administration –

1.General Knowledge (50 marks).

2. Constitution of India, Indian Administration, Local self Government in India, Indian Government and politics, Contemporary issues in Indian administration (50 marks).

B. Voc (Floriculture and Landscape Gardening) Basic concepts of Agriculture Biology and Mathematics of intermediate (10 + 2 ) level.

Integrated B. Sc. (Hons) – M. Sc. Applied Geology Basic knowledge of General Geology and General Awareness.

B.Ed. – Numerical and Mental Ability; General Knowledge; English; Teaching Aptitude

Bachelor of Library & Information Science (B.Lib.I.Sc.) BBAU Lucknow – General Knowledge, General English, General Mathematics, General awareness, Concept of Library and its services, Awareness of Information Science & Technology, some National and International famous author and their books and their contributions, knowledge about famous Libraries and Information centers.

BBA – As Per UGC Regulations.

B. COM(H) – As Per UGC Regulations

Diploma in Dietetics & Nutrition –

The following topic of 12th Class pass subject Unit 1: Human Physiology, Blood, Cardio-Thoracic and Excretory Physiology /Exercise Physiology/ Gastrointestinal physiology / Neuro-Endocrine and Reproductive Physiology.Unit 2: Therapeutic Nutrition, Nutrition care process in MNT/ Nutritional support methods/ Diet, nutrient and drug interactions/ Weight Management and Metabolic Stress/ Management of Cardio-Vascular Disorders/Unit 3: Public Health Nutrition, / Assessment of Nutritional Status of Individual and Community / Public Health Aspects of Under nutrition/ Public Health Aspects of Lifestyle Related Disorders Unit 4: Functional English, Noun/ Pronoun/ Verb/ Adverb/ Adjective/ Preposition/ Conjunction/ Direct Indirect/ Active Passive/ Synonyms and Antonyms/ Idioms and Phrases.

Master of Technology (Computer Science) –

Part I :- Computer Organization and Architecture: Machine instructions and addressing modes, ALU and data-path, CPU control design, Memory interface, I/O interface (Interrupt and DMA mode), Instruction pipelining, Cache and main memory, Secondary storage. Discrete Mathematics: Counting principles, linear recurrence, mathematical induction, equation sets, relations and function, predicate and propositional logic. Digital Logic: Logic functions, Minimization, Design and synthesis of combinational and sequential circuits; Number system representation and computer arithmetic.

Part II :- Programming and Data Structures: Programming in C; Functions, Recursion, Parameter passing, Scope, Binding; Abstract data types, Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists, Trees, Binary search trees, Binary heaps. Analysis and Design of Algorithms: Analysis, Asymptotic notation, Notions of space3 and time complexity, Worst and average case analysis; Design: Greedy approach, Dynamic programming, Divide-and conquer; Tree and graph traversals, Connected components, Spanning trees, Shortest paths; Hashing, Sorting, Searching. Asymptotic analysis (best, worst, average cases) of time and space, upper and lower bounds, Basic concepts of complexity classes P ,NP ,NP-hard NP-complete.

Part III :- Computer Networks and Operating System: Error-Detection and Error- correction techniques, Topology, Routing and Internetworking, Channel Allocation, Congestion Control, Processes, Threads, Concurrency, Synchronization, Deadlock, CPU scheduling, Memory management and virtual memory, File systems. Databases: ER-model, Relational model (relational algebra, tuple calculus), database design (integrity constraints, normal forms), File structures Transactions and concurrency control. Information Systems and Software Engineering: information gathering, requirement and feasibility analysis, data flow diagrams, process specifications, input/output design, process life cycle, planning and managing the project, design, coding, testing, implementation, maintenance.

B.Sc.(Information Technology)( Satellite Campus Amethi) – General knowledge, General awareness, Basic knowledge of Physics, Chemistry,Mathematics & Computer Science.

M.Sc Cyber Security (Evening.) – Computer fundamentals, number system and computer codes, computer network, general science, general knowledge

M. Sc (Cyber Security) (Evening) – Lateral Entry to third Semester Computer fundamentals, number system and computer codes, computer network, general science, general knowledge

B.Com – ( Satellite Campus Amethi) General Knowledge, English (Comprehension and Grammar), Elementary Mathematics & Logical Reasoning.

Integrated B.A. & M.A. in Social Science. (Optional subject-History, Political Science,, Public Administration, Hindi, English.)( Satellite Campus Amethi) – General Knowledge, General Awareness & English (Comprehension and Grammar)

M.A. (English) ( Satellite Campus Amethi) Basic knowledge of English literary trends famous authors.

B.Sc.(Food Science and Technology) (Satellite Campus Amethi) – General Knowledge, General Awareness, Basic Knowledge of Biology, Physics & Chemistry

B.C.A. (Satellite Campus Amethi) – General knowledge, General awareness Basic knowledge of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Computer Science.

M.Sc (Life Sciences) – Zoology/ Life Science B.Sc. Level

Certificate Course in Empowering women through Self Help Groups –  No Entrance Test

Certificate Course in Women’s empowerment: Survival strategies and livelihood –  No Entrance Test

PG Diploma in Gender and Women Studies Concept of Gender and Women Empowerment – Theories of gender justice; Government policies and law related to gender justice and women empowerment; Role of NGOs

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