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…and the list goes on. We add a new book summary every 3 to 4 days. Here is the list of all book summaries which we have added to our website. Book summaries sorted alphabetically:
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100 Ways to Motivate Yourself
by Steve Chandler
At least for ones it has happened to you, when you have seen any motivational video or movie, after watching that, you must have felt really very motivated and you have taken a decision, that from now on I will do a lot of hard work and will achieve a lot in my life as soon as possible, and as the next day comes, your entire motivation must have gone somewhere and again you have come to your old lazy lifestyle, this is one of the biggest problem faced by many people.
12 Rules for Life
by Jordan B. Peterson
Author of this book says that there is a lot of similar things between lobsters and people, Lobsters live on the ocean floor, they need home base down there, they need a range within which they can hunt for prey and scavenge around for stray edible bits and pieces of whatever rains down from the continual chaos of carnage and death far above, lobsters want somewhere secure, they want home so that they can stay in a secure environment and from where everything is easy and near, author says that such behavior and thinking of lobsters can create a problem, what if there are many lobsters and two of them occupy the same place or territory.
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25 Ways to Win with People
by John C. Maxwell
25 Ways To Win With People book is an easy to read book, it is very useful and knowledgeable book, It’s a complimentary companion to the full-sized book, it’s an idea for a quick refresher course on interpersonal relationships, This is a small book which contains 25 specific actions readers can take to build a positive, healthy relationship.
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25 Ways to Win with People
by John C. Maxwell
A New Earth Book goes beyond teaching how to live in the moment and helps readers learn how to turn their suffering into peace. All types of suffering are addressed in the book, from anger and grief to jealousy and anxiety, In A New Earth book Author talks about a lot of Ego and how we can separate ourselves from it, Author has recommended few exercises and explanations in this book and they are not meaningless, they actually work, if you follow them with passion and with full focus. Whether your suffering is rooted in jealousy, anger, grief, sadness, anxiety, or depression, Tolle will help you see life from varied perspectives, awakening you to your life’s purpose. This book will help you to live your life happily and joyfully.
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Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man
by Steve Harvey
In this book author shares his personal experience, when he was working for radio with the Steve Harvey morning show, he created his own segment “ASK STEVE”, During which women could call Steve and can ask anything they wanted to related to the relationship. When author was starting this section he thought it would be fun and kind of comedy section, but as he started listening to women viewers he realized that most women viewers were going through wasn’t a laughing material, they had many categories of needs and concerns in their lives that they were trying to get a handle on such as dating, commitments, securities, family baggage, hopes for tomorrow, body image, in-laws drama, education, home, work-life balance and so on. The author says after knowing women viewers the one thing he came to know that women want an even exchange with men, they want the same love they show to their men, they want their romantic lives to be as rewarding as they make them for their potential mates.
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As a Man Thinketh
by James Allen
In the book As a Man Thinketh Author Allen focuses on the simple yet profound premise that YOUR THOUGHTS CREATE YOUR LIFE. in this book author, says that if you have created negative thinking, then you will create a life full of negative circumstances, and if you have created positive thinking, then you will create a life full of positive circumstances. When we make our thinking positive, we find our life taking positive turns and becoming joyful. Through this book, the author says that whatever thinking we generate that thinking will attract reality, our thinking will become the reality.
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Ask and It is Given
by Esther HicksJ
Ask and it is given is one of the most powerful books on manifesting your dreams. Every sentence and each paragraph of this book contains deep truths which you will find true and relative. This book shows us how our emotions are the key to understanding whether we are moving on the road to success or on the road of failure. This book gave fun and deeply practical exercises such as magical creation box and the prosperity game. This book makes you young again help you to activate your imagination and everything suddenly becomes possible for you after reading this book. After reading this book you will understand the true meaning of the book. The message of this book is true and will help you to live a happy positive life.
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by Amir Levine, Rachel Heller
Those of us who are comforted by scientific facts and collections of data will get a kick out of Attached. Attached book says that our attachment style, otherwise known as being insecure or secure, stems from our earliest relationships. And we have to know what style we gravitate toward in order to communicate those feelings to our partners. The good news? We can learn how to adopt healthier attachment styles with acknowledgment and practice. “It’s a socialized thing; it’s not a biological thing,” she says.
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Awaken the Giant within
by Anthony Robbins
Awaken the giant book within talks about How to take immediate control of your mental, emotional, physical and Financial Destiny. You all must be aware of this book Author Tony Robbins, let’s have some brief introduction about him. Tony Robbins is an American Motivational Speaker, Personal Finance Instructor and Self-Help Author. He is well Known for Self-help books such as Unlimited power, unleash the Power Within and Awaken the Giant within.
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Barking Up the Wrong Tree
by Eric Barker
In Barking Up the Wrong Tree, Eric has highlighted tons on ways with the help of which people can become successful at work and even at home, barking up the wrong tree book is about the surprising science behind why everything you know about success is mostly wrong, in this book author has covered six chapters the thing which makes Eric book unique is that it shows both sides of the same coin, means both sides present their cases, much like trial, then Eric has settled on the answer that gives the best upside with the least downside, This book focuses on four key components : happiness, achievements, significance and legacy, and author asked you to evaluate your success by taking a look at all four metrics and you need to see in which metrics you are lagging.
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Big Magic
by Elizabeth Gilbert
In Big Magic Creative living beyond fear summary, author Gilbert has shared her wisdom and unique understanding of creativity, and also show us that being creative is so easy, in this book author also shares the shattering the perception of mystery and suffering that surround the process. In this book author has shared her own personal story and also shared her friends story and also shared story of people who have inspired her, in this book Elizabeth ask us to understand and embrace our curiosity and to also tackle what we love and to face down what we fear the most, you should understand what you love this book big magic will take you on a journey of exploration which is filled with wonder and unexpected joy. In this book, author Gilbert will break out your creative ruts and also help you to find happiness and fulfillment in your work and also help you to overcome your fear.
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Boundaries in Dating
by Dr. Henry Cloud Ph.D., Dr. John Townsend
This book can make your dating journey easy smooth and simple, if you are facing issues in your dating life then do read this book. It can revolutionize the way you handle your relationship, and if your relationship is going well then too read this book, because it can strengthen your relationship and also help you to have a strong healthy relationship forever. This is an amazing book written by a best-selling author of boundaries book, you will enjoy reading this book and this book has the potential to make your relationship healthy smooth and happening.
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by Martin Lindstrom, Paco Underhill
In today’s bestselling book, Martin Lindstrom, the author, states that we rarely have rational control over why we buy some products and not others. Our brain subconsciously chooses for us. Traditional marketing methods no longer work. Neuromarketing is the new key tool which will “revolutionize” marketing strategies in the future and help us understand the science behind why we buy. The author writes about the “Largest Neuromarketing Study Ever Conducted” involving brain scans. Time named Lindstrom as one of the world’s 100 most influential people because of his book.
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Choose Yourself
by James Altucher
Choose Yourself is an excellent book that proves to be motivating, inspiring, and even a bit enlightening. The book is an easy and enjoyable read and could very well be the start of a movement – The Choose Yourself Movement. Altucher exposes much about his own life (mostly the failures) throughout the book. He walks the reader through how he came to choose himself and outlines why we all need to do the same.
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Conversation Confidence
by Leil Lowndes, Netword Publishing
Conversation Confidence Book Summary is a collection of tips to improve your social interactions. In this book author will discuss the conversation confidence, listening to win and memory advantage, through this book you can learn communication skills mastered by politicians, public figures, and celebrities, through this book you will learn magic words which have the capability to soften up the toughest talkers.
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Crucial Conversations
by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron Mcmillan, Al Switzler
Crucial Conversation – tools for talking when stakes are high talks about How to handle disagreements and high stakes communication, this book is written on the premises that when you are stuck in any situation whether at home or at work, it is this crucial conversation which is keeping you away from your desired result, and when you learn to handle such crucial moments effectively nicely, you can accomplish the result you want in your life.
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Crush It!
by Gary Vaynerchuk
Online marketing guru Gary Vaynerchuk tells business owners what they need to do to boost their sales using the internet—just as he has done to build his family’s wine store from a $4 million business to a $60 million. By the end of this book, you will have learned how to harness the power of the Internet to make your entrepreneurial dreams come true. The book Crush It! Why now is the time to cash in on your passion is the ultimate driver’s manual for modern business.
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Daring Greatly
by Brené Brown
Daring Greatly is not about winning or losing, it is a practice and a powerful new vision for letting ourselves be seen. Daring Greatly helps readers to free themselves from the prison of vulnerability, and help them to see being vulnerable as a desirable emotional state.
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Deep Work
by Cal Newport
In the coming toughest economy if you want to thrive, if you want to move ahead and forward, then you need to become one person out of three said by author, first either become highly tech skilled worker, means become a person who is very much knowledgeable about technical stuffs, who know proper use of technical stuffs and who can understand technical things nicely, because in this fast-changing world even technology is changing rapidly, and it is changing so fast that people are finding hard to catch up, meaning people who were learning about earlier technology who has invested their hell lot of time learning about previous technology, that previous technology has been replaced by today’s better technology, hence demand for people who have great knowledge about new changing technology has been increasing, hence demand for updated technology master will always stay more even in future.
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Develop Self-Confidence, Improve Public Speaking
by Dale Carnegie
If Public speaking frightens you, and you feel shy and nervous when you are asked to stand up and speak, then this book is for you, This book holds the key to fight against your public speaking fear, This book helps you to overcome your public speaking fear, it develops self-confidence in you, and helps you to become a good public speaker to the secrets of memory power and good delivery, natural laws of remembering and the essential elements in successful speaking, this book discusses the ways of opening and closing a talk and keeping the audience interested.
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Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
by Richard Carlson
Don’t sweat the small stuff book is Richard’s bestselling book, after reading and understanding that book anyone would understand why it is one of the bestselling books. It’s an amazing book and the purpose of the book is to get you to look at things differently, in this book author want us to look daily situations criticism and problems which we face in our daily lives little differently, this book will help you take things in a different way, it gives you wisdom, this book will help you to find happiness in this busy and hectic world.
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Ego is the Enemy
by Ryan Holiday
In Ego Is The Enemy Summary, Author Ryan talk about the negative aspects of the ego and its effects on several historical and contemporary figures, Author says that Ego is unhealthy belief in our own importance, Ego stops us pursuing our journey and stops our growth, in this book author, says that we can do lot about handling this ego and can also overcome it in many ways, and also talks about how we can achieve our true greatness. The author says that every individual in this world has an ego, and having ego not serve us on our interest in fact ego block our way to success, In this book author says that having a bad ego is bad for health and what all strategies we can use to overcome this big ego problem.
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Failing Forward
by John C. Maxwell
In this book author want us to know that the major difference between achieving people and average people is their way and perception towards reacting towards failure, in this book author has did a closer look towards a failure and also reveals that the secret of moving beyond failure is to take that failure as a stepping-stone, Because failure teaches us lessons which are invaluable, we people should accept the failure and should rise above it, when you accept failure and accept responsibility you learn about yourself and about your weaknesses, and when you stay honest with yourself and respect failure you will for sure grow. This amazing book Failing forward will teach us how failing can take us forward.
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Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway
by Susan Jeffers
In Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway book, you will learn how to stop being negative, how you can stop your negative thinking patterns and how you can re-educate your mind to think more positively. In this book there are various concrete techniques to turn passivity into assertiveness, this book also shares 10 steps positive thinking process and also teach you about how to risk a little every day and how you can turn your decisions into no lose situations.
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First, Break All The Rules
by Marcus Buckingham, Curt Coffman
First, Break All the Rules book, Encourages managers to personalize and break away from traditional, first size fits all kind of leadership techniques, for this book they did lota of research and after doing the in-depth research they came up with a conclusion that a company that lacks frontline great managers will bleed talent, no matter how attractive the compensation training opportunities or packages will be, with this mind they try to sought the answers to the follow-up question, like how do great managers find, focus and keep talented employees, with their research diagram and expert views Curt and Marcus guide us through their findings that focus, discipline, trust and most important willingness of each employee and manager to treat each other equally and individually are the overall secrets for turning talent into lasting performance.
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First Things First
by Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill, Rebecca R. Merrill
In this book authors want us to understand the importance of important work and urgent work, we usually don’t give enough time, care to the things which are important, here in this book author teaches us about time management with shortcut techniques. First thing first shows you how to look at your use of time totally differently. By understanding this book and using its technique you will learn to manage your personal and professional responsibilities, and also learn to balance them properly, in this book Covey teaches us an organizing process, which helps us to categorize tasks, so that you can focus on things and work which are important, not urgent.
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Fit from Within
by Victoria Moran
Fit From Within 101 Simple Secrets to change your body and life book is easy to read simple and quick book, this book gives valuable information, and this book gives you inspiration and motivation when you feel down and sad, this book keeps on reminding you that what all small things you can do in your life which can add big changes and values to your life. This book contains various small chapters.
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Follow Your Heart
by Andrew Matthews
Follow your heart is a simple and practical guide for anyone who wants to find purpose in their life and work. This book is about what people love to do, dealings with bills and broken legs, discovering one’s own power, finding peace of mind, dealing with disasters and not blaming others, this book is about how happy people think, what losers do and think and how not to be like a loser.
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Fooled by Randomness
by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Fooled by Randomness is for those who are ready to change who are willing to gain knowledge and some investors as even declared that this book should be written in the 90s, In this Book Randomness, is not a theory or a concept, but here author says that randomness is the people’s worlds ability to create unpredictable events, occasions, situations, occurrences and list goes on. Here the author has asked two questions and answering them will determine the outcome of any decisions that you’ve made, and that questions are “Do you want to be happy?” and “Are you superstitious?” usually, superstitious people are the victim of their past.
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Get Anyone to Do Anything
by Dr. David J. Lieberman Ph.D.
In “Get Anyone to Do Anything Summary” author says that the core of each relationship and the core of getting people to do something for you, is getting them like you, through this book you can get anyone to find you attractive, get the instant advantage in any relationship, get anyone to take your advice, you can change the stubborn person mind, you can make anyone do anything for you, through this book you can learn to get anyone to do anything for you.
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Give and Take
by Adam Grant
In Give and take book author is talking about how some people say and believe that one way to get ahead in life is to crush our enemies and claw our way to the top, people who have such kind of thinking believe that no matter how many people you need to crush to go to the top, author says that such thinking and belief is nonsense and ridiculous in this book author not only say but has also researched that how helping others drives your success too, author says that true achievers true success drivers are not centered as takers but they are centered as givers.
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by Angela Duckworth
Pioneering Psychologist Angela Duckworth takes us to the Eye-opening journey to discover the true qualities that lead us to outstanding achievements. This book shows that anyone striving to succeed- either be it, parents, students, educator, athletes or business people- that the secret of outstanding achievements is not talent but the special and unique blend of Passion and Persistence which is called as Grit By the Author. in this book author shares her life story, Grit is a book about what goes through your head when you fall down, and how that – not talent or luck – makes all the difference.
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Happiness is a Habit
by Michele Phillips
Happiness Is A Habit Summary Phillips helps readers and people to adopt a multitude of ritual and after following those rituals people will for sure improve their life and ability to create a happy life. Michele promise through her book that her rituals will renovate the rhythm of your life to create healthier, happier you. In this book author says simple small things rituals can improve a life a lot and can create a happier life we people don’t need to depend on big superficial things in order to stay happy, Michelle will guide you in your quest to happiness by introducing us readers to helpful routines like, Listening to audiobooks in the shower, spending time with nature, establishing bad day emergency plans etc.
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Happy for No Reason
by Marci Shimoff, Carol Kline
In Happy for No Reason book, author shares 7 steps to being happy from the inside. In this book author says that women or people spend half of their lives learning to be confident, but the secret to attract anyone is not your self-esteem but happiness, its being happy, your happy nature comes first to attract someone, author says happy women are the most attractive women, and this book teaches you ways to stay happy from inside out. This book will not help you to attract the love of your life but also helps you to maintain that happiness throughout your life.
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High Performance Habits
by Brendon Burchard
At the age of 20s Brendon spent on researching psychology and leadership, and consulting at Accenture, at the age of 32 Brendon became the best- selling author, and also a high performance coach and a speaker, Today Brendon is widely considered the world’s leading high performance coach (according to both success magazine and oprah.com) Brendon is one off the top motivation and marketing trainers in the world (as per Larry King), He is under the top 25 most influential leaders in personal growth and achievement. As per success magazine, and also Top 100 most followed public figure in the world as per facebook insights. Brandon Burchard success doesn’t need any introduction.
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How to Have Confidence
by Leslie T. Giblin
Author LES GIBLIN Has dedicated this book to his wife and mother, because of their inspiration and guidance, Giblin Thought of making this book, Les Giblin is one of the pioneers of the personal development industry, Les Giblin was born in 1912 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, after serving in the military, Giblin began a sales job with the Sheaffer pen company in 1946.
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How to Read a Person Like a Book
by Gerard I. Nierenberg, Henry H. Calero, Gabriel Grayson
In “How to Read a Person Like a Book”, learn what your friend, your lover, your boss are really saying to you in a language that everybody uses but nobody speaks-Body language! This book helps you to improve your ability to communicate with other people. This book helps you to learn how to decode and reply to nonverbal signals from strangers, friends and business associates, we all know that consciously or not of our bodies’ movements, we express our feelings, attitudes, and motives through gestures that are often vague and frequently ignored.
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India 2025
by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Y.S. Rajan
“Sight is about what lies right in front of us. Vision is what lies ahead”. India is an old civilization and an extremely complex society. Her glorious past, natural beauty, resources, vast size and above all her unique geographical location has always given her the pride of place in the world. With the ups and downs of his, ory it has retained its vibrancy. Yet, due to insensitivity and lethargy on our part and due to the negative slant of the media here, we as a nation have not been able to attain the status of a developed nation so far.
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Learned Optimism
by Martin E.P. Seligman
Learned happiness is 1990 national book seller book, this book defines the concept of learned happiness, in this book author says that learned optimism is a theory which says that happiness is a skill that can be developed, This theory revolves around meeting the negative self-talk head on and encourage the development of inner voice, doing this allows people to move from pessimism to optimism, in this book author Martin covers all aspects of human’s life that is love, money, sports, health and parenting, this book has the capability to change worst pessimist thinkers to optimist.
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Little Bets
by Peter Sims
Alan Kay, the respected technologist, once said: “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” But how do we invent the future, especially if it’s not a logical extension from the past? It’s not something you would know from how we’re trained. Our education system places great emphasis on teaching us about facts that are already known, such as historical information or scientific tables, and then testing us in order to measure how much we’ve retained that knowledge. Those skills work perfectly well for many situations, but not when doing something new. Or creative. Or original. They certainly won’t help us invent the future. We are given very little opportunity, for example, to perform our own, original experiments, and there is also little or no margin for failure or mistakes. We are graded primarily on getting answers right.
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Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on it
by Kamal Ravikant
As we all know that the fundamental ground upon which all self-improvement is build and based is called self-love, because at the end, no matter which way you take if you don’t love yourself you will for sure sabotage your life at one point, because when a person doesn’t love themselves they start getting into depression and sadness and that depression becomes the biggest reason for their life destruction, when you don’t love yourself you start believing that you don’t have what you desire because you are not worthy enough and when you have such thinking then why would you try to achieve something good in your life and this lack of self-love will become the biggest reason of your lives failure, In this book author says that we should love ourselves like our life depends on it, we make so many judgment about ourselves, sometimes we make it consciously and we don’t even realize that those negative judgment about ourselves can destroy our lives happiness, hence in this book will show you some ways through which you can learn to love yourself and author of this book also shares his personal experiences.
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Managing Oneself
by Drucker
In Managing Oneself book, Peter explains that we live in an age of unprecedented opportunity: With talent, ambition, desire and drive you can reach the top of the profession regardless of where you started out, But we should always need to understand that with opportunities come responsibilities. Today companies aren’t managing their workers career but it is you who needs to make your place in the world and should know when to change your course and it is you who needs to make yourself productive during your career. You must be your responsible for yourself. You must learn to manage yourself because it is you who will decide your career.
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Man’s Search for Meaning
by Viktor E Frankl
At the Time of World War 2 Author of Man’s Search for Meaning, Victor Frankly was kept a prisoner under concentration camp. If you are aware then you must have the idea that concentration camp used to be the worst place for prisoners, and prisoners used to prefer committing suicide instead of going inside the concentration camp, that concentration camp was filled with lot of diseases and also was a very cold place at that place those prisoners were tortured. They were beaten and they were asked to do very difficult work and task and they were given very less food to eat and very thin dresses to wear because of which many prisoners body used to give up, in fact many prisoners used to die because of hunger and cold, and remaining prisoners who able to survived but they were not capable of doing any work was thrown inside the gas chamber to die. All this torture was done on people who were fit when brought to a concentration camp and those who weren’t fit was immediately thrown to gas chambers.
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Maximum Achievement
by Brian Tracy
In Maximum Achievement book, author shares strategies, and skills that will help you to unlock your hidden powers which will help you to get successful. Through this book You will learn to create success that encompasses every area of life- health, wealth, personal-professional happiness and relationship, whether you are already on the road to success or just taken a first step this book principles and strategies will help you to realize your true potential and help you to build the life the way you want and also help you to attain the peace of mind which comes through knowledge because of which you control your destiny.
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by Carol S. Dweck
After years of research Dweck breaks down her theory into fixed mindset and growth mindset, through this research Dweck says, that people with fixed mindset often have a belief that their skills and behavior are inherited and which cannot be improved, whereas people with growth mindset believes that anything can be improved with hard word efforts and determination. And the main agenda of this book is to teach readers how they can get free from the prison of a fixed mindset and can fly high towards their goal by having a growth mindset.
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Mini Habits
by Stephen Guise
Like many people you must have gone through the situation, when you had decided to start fresh from the new year like will work hard, will do a lot of exercises, will start reading books. Will follow a good diet, and the list for the New Year goes on, but the actual fact is, people who make resolutions amongst them 92 percent people fail to stick to their resolutions, and the biggest reason for this is movies influence, where we see that there is a protagonist who is just normal like us and after doing hard work in that 3 hour movie he able to become champion or able to achieve something big huge, and after watching such a fast change in that 2 or 3 hours movie, we feel that yes even we can do it and by doing hard work we can become successful easily and quickly, which isn’t possible for most of the time.
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Moonwalking with Einstein
by Joshua Foer
For ones Keep your logic aside and imagine that you have a friend, who is very intelligent and always top in his class, he is so smart that everyone calls him an Einstein, One day you both come to know about an interesting and a beautiful place, which is really far from the city where no one lives and the most interesting thing, that place is somewhat like moon, means The land of that place is like moon and gravity over there is so less that you don’t feel tired at all while walking.
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No Excuses!
by Brian Tracy
Brain Tracy the president and CEO of three Multi-million dollar company and one of these companies is his own named aptly. He has a skill and talent of speaking four different languages, he has traveled and worked in over 80 countries and across the six continents in the world, in one of the interview he said that “ He believes through learning and the application of what you have learned, you can solve any problem and can overcome any obstacle and can achieve your any goal that you set for yourself.” And his believe is not just in words, but his achievement can show us that yes having such belief with action can make us achieve what we always desire, Brian Tracy has authored over 40 books, recorded more than 300 videos and also did audio learning programs and coached live audiences of more than 250000 strong manually.
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Peace Is Every Breath
by Thich Nhat Hanh
In Peace is Every Breath book, peace activist Thich illuminates that how we people can incorporate the practice of mindfulness into our every waking moment, this book opens the pathway to greater spiritual fulfillment through its patient examination of how we live our lives.
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Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
by T. Harv Eker
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get rich easily, while others are destined for a life of financial struggle? Is the difference found in their education, intelligence, skills, timing, work habits, contacts, luck, or their choice of jobs, businesses, or investments?
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See You at the Top
by Zig Ziglar
Zig has spent more time on step 1 to 3, so through this you can understand how important this point must be, So let’s talk about self-image, zig says most of the people have very bad self-image because society, in general, feeds garbage in, here author is trying to explain we need to form positive image of ourselves, we need to think ourselves the way we want to become, nor the way we are.
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Smarter Faster Better
by Charles Duhigg
When Charles Duhigg was completing his book the power of habit, since then he has an interest towards science of productivity, after those many things happened in his life, because his book was a huge success and he started getting many professional opportunities, and because of all these things he started getting responsibilities from various aspects and handling all those responsibilities was getting difficult for him, he wasn’t getting much time, time was getting less and workload was expanding, thus his productivity was decreasing and he wasn’t able to perform work task properly, and because of all these things he wasn’t getting time for himself and for his personal life, he wasn’t getting time to enjoy his life.
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Start with Why
by Simon Sinek
In this Book, Sinek Starts with a Fundamental Question: Why are some people and organizations more innovative, more influential, and more profitable than others? Why do some command greater loyalty from customers and employees alike? Even among the successful, why are so few able to repeat their success over and over? People like Martin Luther King Jr., Steve Jobs, and the Wright Brothers had little in common, but they all started with WHY. They realized that people won’t truly buy into a product, service, movement, or idea until they understand the WHY behind it.
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Steal Like An Artist
by Austin Kleon
Steal Like an Artist book is One of the best book written by Austin, Steal like an Artist, here don’t misunderstand the word steal, don’t take it in a literal terms, steal here doesn’t mean to do robbery or anything like that, here author simply want us to understand that you don’t to be a genius or a very intelligent person to become creative, what you need to become a creative is to be yourself that’s it.
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Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude
by Napoleon Hill, W. Stone
This book is that one’s frame mind is the deciding factor between success and failure. The author says that it’s not only a deciding factor for any business but it is a deciding factor for all aspects of your life. Hill’s book has received wide recognition from academia for its development of the field of positive thought, Numerous politicians, celebrities, CEO’S have used Hill’s book in order to see and achieve the pinnacle of success.
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The 10X Rule
by Grant Cardone
Many people think that to become a successful sale person or businessman there is need of an awesome selling skill, and if you don’t have awesome skill then you won’t be able to achieve anything, this thing is true to some extent, yes there is a need of selling skill but the most important thing which matters more than a selling skill is known as a The law of average principle, this principle says the more your action frequency increases the more your results will increase and improve, for example, there is a possibility of getting all hard level customers when you meet 5 people, who directly say no without listening to you for ones, but if you approach 10 people then there are chances amongst them you can get at least 1 medium level customer, and if you approach 100 people then chances will improve more for sure you will get easy customers who will for sure buy a product from you, hence understanding law of average and take actions accordingly will give you more success compare to learning selling skill.
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The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
by John C. Maxwell
In The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership book, Maxwell breaks down leadership into 21 chapters each dealing with a specific law of leadership, in this book author has given an insight how famous leaders perform and with ideas on how to develop yourself as a leader, Author of this book has an absolute understanding of the qualities a leader should have.
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The 33 Strategies Of War
by Robert Greene
In The 33 Strategies Of War book, the most important thing we all need to do is to Conquer our own minds. This book helps you to gain mastery in the modern world. The 33 strategies of war is a 2006 book written by American author Robert Greene. This book is described as a Guide to the subtle social game of everyday life informed by the military principles in war. This book is composed of discussions and wide examples of offensive and defensive strategies from a wide variety of people and conditions can apply them to social conflicts such as family quarrels and business negotiation.
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The 4 Disciplines of Execution
by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, Jim Huling
The 4 Disciplines of Execution book is a simple, repeatable and proven formula for executing for your most important strategic priorities in the midst of the whirlwind. in The 4 Discipline of Execution, the author has mentioned 4 disciplines and by following it you can achieve extraordinary results. Leaders can achieve breakthrough results, even when executing the strategy requires a significant change in behavior from their teams. 4 discipline execution is not a theory its a proven set of practices that have been tested and refined by hundreds of organizations and thousands of teams over many years when team or organization or an individual follow these disciplines, they will for sure get desirable results. 4 discipline execution gives a new way of working and thinking that is essential in today’s working and competitive climate.
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The 48 Laws Of Power
by Robert Greene
The 48 laws of power illustrate 48 laws America rich and powerful use to acquire and maintain power, Greene presents these laws with actionable steps for the average reader to incorporate into their approach to life. The book covers areas Such as Negotiations, how to make people do what you want, and how to maintain an ideal relationship with superiors at the workplace, these 48 laws can help anyone who wants to see themselves at top of their career.
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The 5 Essential People Skills
by Dale Carnegie Training
Carnegie book 5 essential people skills are rapport building, curiosity, communication, ambition and conflict resolution book, author of 5 essential people skills book says that assertiveness is the core skill which fuels all positive interpersonal relationships, The Carnegie book 5 essential people skills present a step-by-step guide to applying assertiveness and mastering the five essential skills of building rapport, communication, harnessing ambition, demonstrating curiosity and resolving conflict.
The 5 Second Rule
by Mel Robbins
The 5 Second Rule Book teaches you to Enrich your life and to avoid doubts in just 5 Seconds. In the Book The 5 Second Rule Author Says that Throughout your life you have your parents, teachers, friends, and mentors who have pushed you to be better than your excuses and bigger than your fears, but author says What if the secret to having the confidence and courage to enrich your life and work is simply knowing how to push yourself?
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The Art of Happiness
by Dalai Lama, Howard C. Cutler
Whether a person believes in religion or no matter what religion people follow everyone wants a good and better life for themselves, everyone is seeking something better in life, so Dalai Lama says that the very motion of our life is towards happiness, in chapter 1 Dalai Lama spoke about what actually the art of happiness book is all about.
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The Art of Joyful Living
by Swami Rama
In this book, Swami shows you to maintain a joyful view of life even in difficult times. Through this book The art of joyful living author want us to know that with a clear conception of the philosophy and meaning of life we people can truly enjoy our lives. Through this book, author says that every culture teaches us to smile at others but here condition is that smile should be genuine it should be real. In order to achieve happy genuine real smile life, we people should have a clear concept of the meaning of life and the philosophy of life. When we learn this then we will learn to start living deeper level life and also will begin to enjoy our lives.
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The Art of People
by Dave Kerpen
In a world where we are constantly connected, and social media has become the primary way we communicate, the key to getting ahead is being the person others like, respect, and trust. Self-awareness is the fundamental building block of the art of people. You can’t understand and influence others until you fully understand yourself at a deep level.
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The Attention Revolution Book
by B. Alan Wallace, Daniel Goleman
There are numerous benefits of meditation, one of its benefits is a method for achieving previously inconceivable levels of concentration, Author Alan has nearly 30 years of practice and experience in attention-enhancing meditation, including a retreat which he performed under the guidance of the Dalai Lama, This book The Attention Revolution is a definite presentation of his knowledge. In this Book Author begins with the ill effects that follow from our inability to focus, later Alan moves on to the system of meditation that deepens our capacity of concentration, Alans Systematic process will give an exciting and rewarding result, it will clear your confusion, it will give extraordinary clarity and power which will take you at the top of the concentration level, along with such results, Alan provides you complimentary practices to perform in intervals in order to cultivate love, compassion, and clarity in order to work and fulfill our dreams.
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The Compound Effect
by Darren Hardy
The Compound Effect book is for people who want to be successful. This book demonstrates to readers that anyone can become successful by implementing good habits over time, anyone can achieve goals and can gain success in their lives, in this book author wants readers to understand the importance of maintaining good habits, author says that having good habits gives you more happiness, positivity and focus.
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The Five Side Effects of Kindness
by Dr David R. Hamilton PhD, David R. Hamilton Ph.D.
In this book author has shared 5 side effects of kindness and want us to understand that kindness makes us feel happier, makes us feel good from heart and also slows our ageing and improves relationships and it is contagious, in this book the leading expert of wellness focuses on benefits by mixing each chapter with scientific research and with his own experiences as a practitioner.
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The Four Agreements
by Don Miguel Ruiz, Janet Mills
The Four agreements book By Don Miguel Ruiz is a life-changing book, whose ideas come from the ancient Toltec(a member of an American Indian people that flourished in Mexico before Aztecs) wisdom of the native people of southern Mexico, Toltec are known as a family of knowledge, and Ruiz family were firmly emboldened with this knowledge.
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The Future of Happiness
by Amy Blankson, Shawn Achor
In the book the future of happiness Amy blanks on discusses the role of technology in our lives, she says that we can use technology to fulfill our purposes and can use them to live our lives with more purpose, and rather than letting technology become a distraction from more meaningful and deliberate choices. Here author also shares the sharing studies and statistics about the effect that technology has on our brains and on our society. In this book, the author shares 5 strategies with the use of which we can control the power of technology that too without being overwhelmed by it.
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The Happiness Trap
by Russ Harris, Steven C. Hayes PhD
In this book author Russ tells us and wants us to know that we all are under the psychological trap, That is, the more we strive for happiness the more we suffer in the long term. The author says, that we all can escape from this Trap from the Happiness trap, if we use ACT i:e Acceptance and commitment therapy. This is a groundbreaking program based on mindfulness skills.
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The Intelligent Investor
by Benjamin Graham
You can earn money through 4 ways first by doing a job , second by doing something your own in simple way by being a self-employed, third way by creating a business and fourth way is by doing an investment, now through these ways you can earn money, no doubt, but how much money you can earn through these ways, it’s a very important question and you must think about it. First two options which I shared with you’ll are an active source of income, means you can earn money through those ways only till the time you work and give your time to it. The minute you stop doing work is the time you will stop earning money, and the other two options, which is creating a business and Investment are a passive source of income. This means to earn money in such a way where you don’t have to work always, and even if you stop working, still you will able to get money, such as through pension.
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The Last Lecture
by Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
The Last Lecture is a lengthened version of the Final lecture professor Randy Pausch gave before he lost his battle with pancreatic cancer, entitled “Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams.” The book focuses on the core principles for his children to embody as part of their everyday lives, this book highlights the importance of mentors.
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The Law of Success
by Napoleon Hill
After twenty-six years of research, including interviews with more than 500self-made millionaires, laid the foundation for his massive collection. Napoleon studied the accomplishments of masterminds such as Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Andrew carnage, Theodore Roosevelt and Alexander Graham Bell. Napoleon hill assembled his learning, has put all his learning together and offer that learning to the world as THE LAW OF SUCCESS BOOK. His book The law of success is easy to read books. He wrote a book in such a way that it can be taught to high school students. This book is a self-development guru which shows us the road to success with timeless wisdom.
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The Lost Art of Listening
by Michael P. Nichols
The Lost Art of Listening Summary tells us the importance of talking and listening. The author says listening, or rather, not listening to each other separates us from our family, friends, and co-workers. Author says that today we have lost the art of listening, we are not learning to listen to someone with true empathy, we listen to someone not to understand them or their views but we listen to someone so that we can raise our opinion our views and can respond, we don’t listen to understand but we listen to reply.
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The Magic of thinking Big
by David J Schwartz
Here David wants us to understand the importance of thinking big. He says in order to upgrade your life, you need to upgrade your thinking. According to David success is not determine by intelligence or by being lucky but success is determined by the size of one’s thinking. If you think you can then you will do it. It’s about your thinking, the more positive you think the more you’ll able to achieve in your life.
The Mastery Manual
by Robin Sharma
Robin’s The Mastery Manual book is a life-changing guide for personal and professional greatness. This book is packed with real-world ideas and practices that will get you to world-class quickly. This book is comprised of 36 life-changing modules. Each module will help you to make your life better and also help your business and take your life to the next level. In this book, Robin Sharma reveals pithy yet profound thoughts that will revolutionize your way of living and make you master of your world.
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The Millionaire Mindset
by Gerry Robert
The author says that there are some laws which are universal and they are around forever, they will work whether you know them or not- whether you use them to your advantage or not. The author says that law works all the time irrevocably for everybody, irrespective of anything. The way force of gravity exists between all objects because it is the universal law of gravitational, therefore if you step off a building, no matter who you are, gravitational force will for sure pull you off toward the ground, The Author says that the same thing holds true with the law of this book, The author says that the law is the same for all, it affects every person in the same way, hence it is very important to gain an understanding of these powerful tools which will allow you to experience what you want out of life.
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The Miracle Of Mindfulness
by Thich Nhat Hanh
In this beautiful and clear to understand guide, author Shares some simple principle, exercises, and anecdotes which helps you to learn the skill of mindfulness, Mindfulness-being awake and fully aware, author in this book says that every single action holds a great opportunity, he says that from washing the dishes to answering the phone to peeling an orange, he says that each moment every moment no matter how small or big it is, every moment holds an opportunity to work toward great self-understanding and peacefulness.
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The Power of Full Engagement
by Jim Loehr, Tony Schwartz
The power of Full engagement book teaches readers that maintaining energy, not time is the key to high performance, author says that every one of our thoughts, emotions and behaviors has an energy consequence, for better or for worse, author says in this book that ultimate goal or measure of our humanity in this world is not how much time we invest but how much energy we invest in that time that we have.
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The Power of Habit Book
by Charles Duhigg
Author Charles Duhigg says in The Power Of Habit that 40 percent of everything which we do is based on our habits which we have formed since our childhood. The author further says that because we do not understand the brain hence we don’t understand how habits get formed and how to break them. Usually we have a misconception that bad habits can’t be broken, but as per author Bad habits can be broken, author states that several habits can be broken at the same time, this book will help you to understand why habits are at the core of everything you do, how you can change them and what impact that will have in your life, your business and your society.
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The Power of Intention
by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Power of intention summary isn’t just a typical book on intention. Wayne has researched intention as a force in the universe that allows the act of creation to take place. This book talks about intention not as something you do but as an energy you are part of. The author says that every people are intended here through the invisible power of intention. Wayne is the first person in this industry who has seen intention as a field of energy that we can access to begin co-creating our lives with the power of intention.
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The Power of Positive Thinking
by Norman Vincent Peale
Everyone should understand that positive thoughts and beliefs lead to a positive reality. Positive thinking and beliefs will take you on the positive path and also help you to achieve your desired goals and success. The Power of Positive Thinking Summary is written to suggest some techniques and to give examples which demonstrate that you do not need to defeat by everyday problems, this book says that you can have peace of mind, improved health and a never ceasing flow of energy. You can have full of joy and satisfaction life by being positive, This book teaches you how to stay positive and how to handle problems and sorrows in your life, Author says never try to ignore your hardships and tragedies, but always handle every situation with positive mental attitude, there are few chapters in this book in order to make us understand the power of positive thinking.
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The Power of Your Attitude
by Stan Toler
This book will help you to release the thoughts and habits which keeps you away from experiencing joy and happiness, through this book you can learn seven choices which you can make to get out of a rut and into a greater success, this book will help you to implement a plan to improve your three major areas of life and how to avoid negativity, In this book Author shares his life experiences how he handled everything positively, and how even you can bring the desired changes in your life.
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The Relationship Cure
by John Gottman PhD, Joan DeClaire
In The Relationship Cure book, Gottman shares 5 steps for strengthening relationships with your family, partner and friends, through this book author wants to strengthen the emotional connection of people.
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The Road Less Traveled
by M. Scott Peck
This is one of the best-known books of Peck’s, and this book has made his Reputation. This book is a description of attributes that make for a fulfilled human being, based largely on his experience as a psychiatrist and a person.
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The Seat of the Soul
by Gary Zukav
The Seat of the Soul book becomes the #New York Times Bestseller thirty-one times and remained under new york times bestseller list for almost 3 years. Author Gary has written various amazing books, his gentle presence humor and wisdom have endeared Gary to millions of viewers through his many appearances on the Oprah win Frey show.
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The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
by John Gottman Ph.D.
In The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, written with Nancy, Marriage researcher and Renowned clinical psychologist John Gottman, reveals what successful marriages look like and shows valuable activities to strengthen couples relationships. Gottman principles are research-based, he and his colleagues have researched more than 100 couples which includes newlyweds couple as well and long-term couples. Gottman and his colleagues have interviewed those couples and also made videotapes and also checked their heart rates, stress, blood pressure, immune system and also followed couples progress annually.
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The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem
by Nathaniel Branden
How better you can perform in your life and how much capable you are In order to earn money in your life and how nicely and smoothly you can run your relationship in fact how much capability you have to grow in any aspect of your life depends majorly on one thing and that is your self-esteem. Meaning how much confidence and believe you have for yourself and what exactly you feel and think about yourself is really very important for your achievements and accomplishments in fact author says Self-esteem plays a biggest role directly or indirectly behind Depression and underachievement violence such as suicide and other big things, hence it’s really very important for us to understand this topic nicely and properly.
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The SPEED of Trust Book
by Stephen M.R. Covey
There is one thing that is common to every individual, relationship, team, family, organization, nation, economy and civilization throughout the world — one thing which, if removed, will destroy the most powerful government, the most successful business, the most thriving economy, the most influential leadership, the greatest friendship, the strongest character, the deepest love.
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The Story of My Life
by Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi father Karamchand Gandhi was a political figure in Porbandar and served as a Diwan of Porbandar, Rajkot, and Wakener, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Mother Putlibai Gandhi was A very religious women and she had a great impact on Mahatma Gandhi, Putlibai Gandhi had a great impression on Gandhi, it was her thought of saintliness which impacted on Gandhi’s brain.
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The Success Principles
by Jack Canfield, Janet Switze
The Success Principles book is a mixture of tips, tricks, and skills, Jack Canfield is one of the best motivational speakers. He is one of the best-selling authors who has written a classic chicken soup series, The book success principles cover 64 principles of success which covers a wide variety of subjects like love, finances, relationship, interpersonal relationship. In this book, author provides various stories related to celebrities and about people who have used these principles in their life to achieve success and greatness. If anyone practices these principles daily then it will for sure make people realize their goals quickly and easily.
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The Voice of Knowledge
by Don Miguel Ruiz, Janet Mills
In The Voice of Knowledge book author says that when we were kids, we knew how to live in the moment and be completely authentic but as our childhood passed something damaging happens to all of us. According to Ruiz we all have given knowledge about how to live in the world. Parents tells us about how to behave in the world in order to be a good boy or girl. Teacher tells us what all things we are needed in order to be a winner or successful human being. Author says that these collective VOICE OF KNOWLEDGE Is not only false but it is also very poisonous. Bestselling author of the book The four agreement explains that we people are not the way we should be. Author also talk about adam and eve story, here Ruiz refers to forbidden tree of knowledge and liken the abandonment of the true self to fall from heaven.
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The Way of the Superior Man
by David Deida
In this world you will usually see everything in opposite, Like opposite of day is night, opposite of cold is hot, opposite of sky is ground or earth, opposite of south pole is north pole opposite of love is hate, etc, and this opposite thing is actually needed so that our world can work smoothly, because two opposite things are usually dependent on each other, two opposite things always needed each other to run things properly and they are equally important for each other, this same thing is also explained by chinese symbol ying yang, such as no one can die without having a life, without darkness no one will understand the value of light, and everything in this world is existing properly because of opposite things, in fact even universe needs opposites so that any energy can flow smoothly over there.
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Too Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay
by Mira Kirshenbaum
There are many books about relationships which will help you and tell you about how to fix your relationship but this Groundbreaking bestseller is the first one to help you choose whether you should try-or you need to go. The author came up with this Groundbreaking book after years of research and her work with real-life couples to help you make the right decisions. In this Too Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay (Book Summary / Review), Kirshenbaum provides readers some unique guidelines that are the key to making all choices, concrete steps that you can implement right now and also shows you the ultimate way to determine your personal bottom line such as what you need to be happy, this remarkably insightful and problem-solving guide offers you advise and let you know the truth about your relationship. This book will help you to know whether you should stay or go or whether you are doing the very best thing.
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True Love
by Thich Nhat Hanh
In True Love: A Practice for Awakening the Heart book, the author wants to improve readers understanding of love by being present in each moment. In this book, the author focuses on 4 component of love, including compassion, freedom, kindness, and joy. In this book, he also shares several simple techniques from Buddhist tradition that readers can use In their lives to stay in the present moment.
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Unlimited Power
by Tony Robbins
In Unlimited Power Book, you will find essential materials in developing your overall character. In life many times we don’t go for golden opportunities, we fail to take it due to our insecurities. Unlimited Power Book is going to help you with this, it will help you to overcome such insecurities, by helping you to build confidence and willpower that will help you to break your comfort zone shell and make you achieve great things in life.
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Verbal Judo
by George J. Thompson PhD
Verbal Judo is the martial art of the mind and mouth that can show you how to prepare yourself nicely in order to face any verbal encounter, through this you will become a good listener, it will help you listen and speak effectively, it will help you engage people effectively, help you to avoid most common verbal or conversational disasters, through this book you will learn proven strategies that will help to communication or raise your point of view successfully and help you to take upper hand in any verbal dispute.
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What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
by Marshall Goldsmith
What Got You Here Won’t Get You There book has a detail look into the nuances between those who climb on the top of the corporate ladder and those who fall just short. In this book, the author says we all have trouble seeing ourselves as others see us. Marshall Goldsmith takes dead aim at the problem by describing his unique methods for coaching candidates for top into the corner offices.
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What to Say When You Talk to Your Self
In What to Say When You Talk to Your Self book, author says that every person each of us is programmed from birth on, author says that as much as 75 percent and more of our programming may be negative and it is working against us, author has also shared ways to erase and replace past mental programs with healthy, new programs that can be positively life-changing, and this book is considered by many as one of the most important and helpful personal growth books.
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Wherever You Go, There You Are
by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Wherever you go there you are, is a self help book with meditation and it focuses on unlocking the calming powers of the mind, and also intends to feel the gap between the mind and the heart, it explains the importance of simplicity and how people should enjoy the simple things in life,This book contains short easy and effective chapters which shows practical knowledge and also with the use of meaningful anecdotes, and also helps us to understand what exactly mindfulness is and why it is not reserved for Zen Practitioner and Buddhist monks, this book’s easy and flexible program can be very helpful and especially for the ones who tend to shy away from a rigid structure. And the author also suggests that readers can take or leave his advice, using only what best fits into their own personal circumstances.
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Why “A” Students Work for “C” Students and Why “B” Students Work for the Government
by Robert T. Kiyosaki
Today I realize that actually all that was just a waste, will not say completely but almost a waste, because at start the most important reason for me to do an engineering was to get a good job, and a decent salary almost everyone gets degree for this same purpose, but as I was completing my engineering I realized that in today’s time we can’t earn a lot of money through degree, forget about money we can’t even get a good job with that certificate.
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You Can Heal Your Life
by Louise L. Hay
The main idea or can say the Key idea of this book is “ if we are ready to do our mental work, then almost anything can be healed” The issues about which Louise talk about in this book is related to relationship, money, body, And all these issues starts with the belief that we are not good enough, and we just can’t do anything, and this is our belief which creates and forms our lives, and the fact is the moment we start loving ourselves is the moment we have the ability or can say have the key to heal ourselves.
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You Can Win
by Shiv Khera
You Can Win book motivates people and take things right from your daily life and turns them into positive thrust. This book is for those who pursue balanced personality and who want to move towards success with positivity. This is easy to read a self-help book.
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Zero to One
by Peter Thiel, Blake Masters
Business becomes big due to three phases, the first or stage amongst three is Infancy stage, most of the business starts this way only, where everything works as per owners plan and permission, not as per what will be beneficial for business, in this stage owner do most of the work by himself, example, when Rahul started a business at that time he was the only manager, technician and entrepreneur and this how most of the people work.
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